Data structures:
- A.V. Karzanov and A.B. Talalay, Organizatsiya dostupa k dannym v podsisteme DEREVO INES, In.: Voprosy Razrabotki Sistemy Upravleniya Bazami Dannykh s Problemnym Okruzheniem,
Inst. for System Studies (VNIISI) Press, Moscow, 1983, Issue 12,
pp.22-32, in Russian. (Title transl.: A design of data access in
subsystem TREE of the information system INES, In: Problems of Elaborating a Control System for Data Bases with Problem Surroundings.)
- A.V. Karzanov and A.B. Talalay, Fizicheskaya organizatsiya ierarkhicheskikh i setevykh struktur dannykh v INES, In.: Voprosy Razrabotki Sistemy Upravleniya Bazami Dannykh s Problemnym Okruzheniem,
Inst. for System Studies (VNIISI) Press, Moscow, 1983, Issue 12,
pp.9-22, in Russian. (Title transl.: The physical organization of
hierarchic and network data structures in the information system INES, In: Problems of Elaborating a Control System for Data Bases with Problem Surroundings.)
- A.V. Karzanov, Spravochnaya dlya vyborki maksimal'nogo člementa i ee prilozheniya, In.: Issledovaniya po Diskretnoǐ Optimizatsii (A.A. Fridman,
ed.), Nauka, Moscow, 1976, pp.348-359, in Russian. (Title transl.: A
data structure for searching for a maximal element and its applications,
In: Studies in Discrete Optimizations.) [PDF]