Matchings and their extensions:
- A.V. Goldberg and A.V. Karzanov, Maximum skew-symmetric flows and matchings, Mathematical Programming, 100, No.3, 2004, 537-568. (Draft in ArXiv:math.CO/0304290.) [PDF] (See also [jour])
- E.
Bampis, A. Giannakos, A.V. Karzanov, Y. Manoussakis, and I. Milis,
Perfect matching in general vs. cubic graphs: a note on the planar and
bipartite cases, Theor. Inform. Appl., 34, 2000, 87-97.
- M. Burlet and A.V. Karzanov, Minimum weight (T,d)-joins and multijoins, Discrete Mathematics, 181, 1998, 65-76. [PDF]
- A.V. Karzanov, O maksimal'nykh parosochetaniyakh zadannogo vesa v polnykh i polnykh dvydol'nykh grafakh, Kibernetika, 1987,
No.1, 7-11, in Russian. [PDF] (Title transl.: On maximum matchings of a
given weight in complete and complete bipartite graphs.) (English
translation in Cybernetics (CYBNAW), 23, No.1, 1987, 8-13. [engl])
- A.V. Karzanov, Algoritm maksimal'noǐ upakovki nechetnopolyusnykh razrezov i ego prilozheniya, In: Isslidovaniya po Prikladnoǐ Teorii Grafov (A.S. Alekseev,
ed.), Nauka Siberian Dept., Novosibirsk, 1986, pp.126-140, in Russian.
(Title transl.: An algorithm for a maximum packing of odd-terminal cuts
and its applications, in: Studies in Applied Graph Theory.) [PDF]
- A.V.
Karzanov, Èkonomnye realizatsii algoritmov Èdmondsa nakhozhdeniya
parosochetaniǐ maksimal'noǐ moshchnosti i maksimal'nogo vesa, In.: Issledovaniya po Diskretnoǐ Optimizatsii
(A.A. Fridman, ed.), Nauka, Moscow, 1976, pp.306-327, in Russian.
(Title transl.: Efficient implementations of Edmonds' algorithms for
finding matchings with maximum cardinality and maximum weight,
In.: Studies in Discrete Optimization.) [PDF]
- A.V. Karzanov, Tochnaya
otsenka algoritma nakhozhdeniya maksimal'nogo potoka, primenennogo k zadache "o predstavitelyakh", In: Voprosy Kibernetiki. Trudy Seminara po Kombinatornoǐ Matematike
(Moscow, 1971), Sovetskoe Radio, Moscow, 1973, pp.66-70, in Russian [PDF].
(Title transl.: An exact estimate of an algorithm for finding a maximum
flow, applied to the problem "on representatives", In: Issues of
Cybernetics. Proc. of the Seminar on Combinatorial Mathematics [engl])
Preprints, technical reports and extended abstracts:
- A.V. Goldberg and A.V. Karzanov, Maximum skew-symmetric flows and their applications to b-matchings, Preprint 99-043, SFB343, Bielefeld Universität, Bielefeld, 1999, 25pp. [PDF]
- M. Burlet and A.V. Karzanov, Minimum weight (T,d)-joins and multijoins, Rapport de Recherche RR 929-M, Artemis, IMAG, Grenoble, 1993, 15pp. [PDF]
- A. Frank and A.V. Karzanov, Determining the distance to the perfect matching polytope of a bipartite graph, Rapport de Recherche RR 895-M, Artemis, IMAG, Grenoble, 1992, 9pp. [PDF]