- A.V.
Karzanov and A.A.Shananin, O stabil'nykh sootvetstviyakh konechnykh
mnozhestv evklidova prostranstva i ikh prilozheniyakh, Èkonomika i Matematicheskie Metody, 41,
No.2, 2005, 164-165, in Russian. (Title transl.: On stable
correspondences on finite sets of the Euclidean space and their
applications.) [PS]
- A.V.
Karzanov, Strukturnye i algoritmicheskie svoǐstva mul'tipotokov i
rasshirenij konechnykh metrik, Dissertatsiya v vide nauchnogo doklada,
Central Institute of Economics and Mathematics (CEMI) Press, Moscow, 2001, 93pp., in Russian. (Title transl.:
Structural and algorithmic properties of multiflows and extensions of
finite metrics, Sc.D. thesis in the form of scientific report.) [PS]
- A.V. Karzanov, How to tidy up a symmetric set-system by use of uncrossing operations, Theoretical Computer Science, 157, 1996, 215-225. [PDF]
- A.V.
Karzanov, Bystryǐ algoritm opredeleniya rasstoyaniǐ ot tochek zadannogo
mnozhestva tselochislennoǐ reshetki do dopolneniya, Kibernetika i Sistemnyǐ Analiz, 2,
1992, 177-181, in Russian. (Title transl.: A fast algorithm
of determining the distance from the points of a given set of the
integer lattice to the complement.) (English translation in Cybernetics and Systems Analysis (SYASEC), 28, No.2, 1992, 316-319. [engl])
- A.V.
Karzanov and E.A. Timofeev, Èffektivnyǐ algoritm nakhozhdeniya vsekh
minimal'nykh rebernykh razrezov neorientirovannogo grafa, Kibernetika,
No.2, 1986, 8-12, in Russian. (Title transl.: An efficient algorithm
for finding all minimum cuts of an undirected graph. See [journ])
- A.V. Karzanov, O zamknutykh mnozhestvakh orientirovannogo grafa, Journal Vichislitelnoǐ Matematiki i Matematicheskoǐ Fiziki, 24, 1984, 1903-1906, in Russian. (Title transl.: On closed sets of a directed graph.) [PDF]
- A.V. Karzanov, Raspoznavanie planarnosti i ukladka grafa na ploskost' za lineǐnoe vremya, In.: Algoritmy Diskretnoǐ Optimizatsii i ikh Primenenie v Vychislitel'nykh Systemakh,
Yaroslavl State Univ. Press, Yaroslavl, 1983, pp.58-80, in Russian.
(Title transl.: Recognizing the planarity and embedding a graph in the
plane in linear time.)
- A.V. Karzanov, Kombinatornyǐ metod
resheniya odnogo klassa zadach tselochislennogo programmirovaniya s
sybmodulyarnymi matritsami, Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 269, No.5, 1983, 1033-1038, in Russian. (Title transl.: A
combinatorial method for solving a class of integer programs with
submodular matrices.) [PDF]
- A.V.
Karzanov and E.M. Livshitz, O minimal'nom chisle operatorov dlya
obsluzhivaniya odnorodnogo lineǐnogo tekhnologicheskogo protsessa, Avtomatika i Telemekhanika, 1978, No.3, 162-169, in Russian. (Title transl.: On the minimum number of operators for serving a uniform linear technological process.) [PDF]
- E.A. Dinitz, A.V. Karzanov, and M.V. Lomonosov, O strukture sistemy minimal'nykh rebernykh razrezov grafa, In.: Issledovaniya po Diskretnoǐ Optimizatsii
(A.A. Fridman, ed.), Nauka, Moscow, 1976, pp.290-306, in Russian [PDF].
(Title transl.: On the structure of the system of minimum edge cuts of a graph, In: Studies in Discrete Optimizations [engl])
- A.V. Karzanov and I.A. Faradjev, Planirovanie vychisleniǐ pri reshenii zadach na vychislitel'nykh mashinakh, Programmirovanie, 4, 1975, 19-24, in Russian. (Title transl.: Scheduling computations for solving problems on computing machines.) [PDF]
- E.A. Dinitz, M.A. Zaǐtsev, and A.V. Karzanov, Algoritm vydeleniya blokov v grafe, Journal Vichislitelnoǐ Matematiki i Matematichkoǐ Fiziki, 14, No.5, 1974, 1309-1316. (Title transl.: An algorithm of extracting blocks in a graph.) [PDF]
- E.A.
Dinitz and A.V. Karzanov, Ob èksponentsial'noǐ slozhnosti algoritmov
resheniya obshcheǐ i transportnoǐ zadach lineǐnogo programmirovaniya,
In.: Trudy XIX konferentsii molodykh uchenykh IPU, Inst. for Control Problems Press, Moscow, 1974, Issue 4,
pp.32-41, in Russian. (Title transl.: On exponential complexity of
algorithms for solving the general and transportation problems in
linear programming, In: Proc. of XIX-th conference of young scientists of the Institute for Control problems.) [PDF]
- A.V. Karzanov, Èkonomnyǐ algoritm nakhozhdeniya bikomponent grafa, In: Trudy 3-ǐ Zimneǐ Shkoly po Matematicheskomu Programmirovaniyu i Smezhnym Voprosam
(Drogobych, 1970), Issue 2, Moscow Institute for Construction Engineering (MISI) Press, Moscow, 1970, pp.343-347, in Russian. (Title
transl.: An efficient algorithm for finding all the bicomponents of a graph, In: Proc. of 3rd Winter School on Mathematical Programming and Related Topics.) [PDF]
Preprints, technical reports and extended abstracts:
- A.V. Karzanov, How to tidy up a symmetric set-system, Rapport de Recherche 948, LRI, Université de Paris Sud, Orsay, 1995, 12pp. [PDF]
- A.V. Karzanov, Polynomial uncrossing processes, Report 90647-OR, Institut für Diskrete Mathematik, Bonn, 1990, 11pp. [PDF]
- E.A. Dinitz and A.V. Karzanov, Buleva zadacha optimizatsii pri ogranicheniyakh odnogo znaka, Preprint, Inst.
for System Studies (VNIISI) Press, Moscow, 1978, 42pp., in Russian.
(Title transl.: A Boolean optimization problem with constraints of the
same sign.) [PDF]